Álvaro Morata responds to Spain-Brazil drama with Vinícius Jr.

The latest social media activity on the part of Spain and Atlético Madrid star Álvaro Morata has this evening piqued widespread attentions.

As much comes after the frontman moved to hit back at media claims, stemming from the aftermath of Spain’s friendly meeting with Brazil on Tuesday.

During a fiery affair at the Santiago Bernabéu, Morata was jeered and whistled by the home fans throughout, evidently keen to make clear that rivalries in the city of Madrid would not be put to the side, even on the international stage.

Post-match, the Atlético man then found himself in the thick of things once more, upon becoming involved in a heated exchange with Real Madrid wide-man Vinícius Jr.

In the game’s aftermath, it was widely reported in the media that Vinícius had taken issue with Morata’s behavior towards the crowd, amid claims of the 31-year-old sniping back at those to have been targetting him throughout the 90 minutes.

Evidently, however, Morata himself has taken an altogether different viewpoint of developments on the Bernabéu touchline.

Taking to his official Instagram account (as cited by Mundo Deportivo) late on Thursday, the striker, formerly of Real Madrid himself, sent a direct message to the press, as follows:

“Please, gentlemen of certain sports media, do not try to damage my image. No gesture to any box. Thank you”

Conor Laird | GSFN

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