Toni Kroos’ post-retirement Madrid-based plans confirmed

An insight into the plans of departing Real Madrid star Toni Kroos for life post-retirement has on Wednesday been provided.

Midfielder Kroos, of course, dropped the news that all associated with Real Madrid were for so long dreading a little over 24 hours ago.

This came in the form of confirmation that he has come to the decision not to renew his contract for another year.

Instead, the 34-year-old will allow his current terms to expire, before playing out the European Championships in his home country of Germany, and pulling the curtain on a legendary career.

What, though, is next?

As alluded to above, an early insight into as much has today been forthcoming.

The info comes courtesy of Relevo, and confirms that Kroos’ current plan is to stay put in Spain’s capital with his family.

The midfield maestro has grown to love the city which he has now called home for the last 10 years, and will not be going anywhere any time soon.

Kroos will also likely play a more hands on role in his personal football academy in Boadilla.

It is not out of the question either that the former Bayern Munich man could be offered some form of role behind the scenes at Real Madrid, in an effort to make use of his football mind for as long as possible.

For now, though, Kroos, and his family, are no doubt looking forward to little more than some well-earned rest…

Conor Laird | GSFN

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