Real Madrid to use Cristiano Ronaldo inspiration for Kylian Mbappé unveiling

An insight into the plans of the powers that be at La Liga giants Real Madrid for the unveiling of Kylian Mbappé as the club’s latest signing has today been provided.

The info comes courtesy of Relevo, and points towards quite the spectacle being in the works.

It is of course common knowledge now that Mbappé is all set to take his talents to Madrid this summer, having come to the decision not to renew his expiring terms with Paris Saint-Germain.

Amid mounting excitement amongst the Real faithful, however, just when will they finally be afforded the chance to see the latest Galáctico in their side’s famed white?

As per Relevo, the hope is that as much will be forthcoming early next month, on either the 3rd, 6th or 7th of June.

Should this not be possible, however, Mbappé’s ceremony will be pushed back until July, owing to the Frenchman’s commitments at the upcoming European Championships.

Safe to say, though, that when it does arrive, the 25-year-old’s unveiling will have been worth the wait…

This comes with Los Blancos planning to use the presentation of Cristiano Ronaldo 15 years ago as a ‘reference’ for Mbappé.

85,000 spectators made the journey to the Santiago Bernabéu that day, with a similar turnout, potentially, in store this time round, too.

‘Whether in June or July, the presentation that is being outlined will be exceptional, on par with a signing that has been waiting at Real Madrid for a decade.’

Relevo go as far as to suggest that the plan is for Mbappé’s addition to be celebrated like that of another piece of silverware.

Conor Laird | GSFN

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