Real Madrid star misses team training days out from Euro 2024 opener

A headline member of the attacking ranks at La Liga giants Real Madrid was absent from group training on Thursday.

As much has been confirmed by Le Parisien, who point towards Kylian Mbappé as the player in question.

Frontman Mbappé, for his part, set alarm bells ringing across the France national team fanbase late last week.

This came after word was forthcoming that the 25-year-old was suffering the after-effects of a fitness problem picked up against Luxembourg.

Mbappé, in turn, went on to sit out training with the rest of Didier Deschamps’ squad, before being afforded just a late cameo off the bench against Canada on Sunday.

Fears surrounding any sort of serious issue were quelled upon the newly-signed Real Madrid star returning to training earlier this week, but, on Thursday, his name has returned to the fore in the media once more.

As per Le Parisien, Mbappé did not take part in group activities with the French squad earlier today.

Instead, the prolific wide-man was put through an individualised indoor session, away from the rest of Les Bleus’ ranks.

There is likely no reason for panic, but it is safe to say that, just four days out from his country’s Euro 2024 opener, Mbappé’s situation is not ideal.

Conor Laird | GSFN

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