Details: Barcelona negotiating Vitor Roque & Mika Faye double departure

The powers that be at La Liga giants Barcelona have opened talks over summer exits for two of the club’s most high-profile young talents.

That’s according to Diario Sport, who point towards Mika Faye and Vitor Roque as the pair in question.

Barcelona sporting director Deco, it is understood, this week held a virtual meeting with the brass at Portuguese heavyweights Porto.

And, during as much, discussions over the possibility of both Faye and Roque taking their talents to The Estádio do Dragão were forthcoming.

In the case of the former, a permanent sale is under consideration.

Owing to the overbooking at the heart of defence in Catalunya’s capital, Barca have made clear that they would be willing to part with breakout defender Faye for a fee in the region of €15 million, plus bonuses.

Eager to maintain control of his long-term future, though, the Blaugrana would also demand a buyback clause be included in any deal.

Turning attentions towards Vitor Roque, the Brazilian’s exit would likely only come in the form of a loan.

Hansi Flick and Deco remain firm believers in the talents boasted by the 19-year-old, envisioning a future for Roque with the club down the line.

This summer, however, the Catalans are again facing up to serious financial concerns, meaning their young striker’s registration with La Liga for next season cannot be confirmed.

Porto, in turn, have offered to kill two birds with one stone, in taking Roque off the hands of Barcelona for 12 months, aiding his development courtesy of an uptick in game-time, too.

Conor Laird | GSFN

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