Barcelona youth prospect announces he is leaving the club

When rising up through the ranks at a massive club like Barcelona, many players end up falling to the wayside and leaving in search of more regular football before ever getting anywhere near the first team.

This is the case with young 21-year-olf defender Pelayo Fernández, who announced on his Instagram account that he will not be renewing with the Catalan giants, and will be leaving when his contract expires on June 30th.

The youngster played last season for Barcelona’s reserve side Barcelona Atlètic, where he has made 46 appearances during the last two seasons.

This brings to an end for Fernández a five-year spell spent in Barcelona, where he joined the club’s famed La Masia Academy back in 2019.

The youngster announced in an Instagram post “Hello culés, The day has arrived that I never wanted to come, but football and life sometimes don’t go the way you want.”

It is thought that Fernández may be the first of a handful of players to announce their departure from Barcelona’s reserves, given their failure to achieve promotion last season.

The youngster showed plenty of gratitude for his time at the club, saying “Thank you to all those people who have crossed my path during these 5 years in Barcelona. I will always have them in my heart.”

GSFN | Ciaran Currie

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