Barcelona legend Lionel Messi announces retirement plans

Barcelona and Argentine legend Lionel Messi has on Wednesday provided an insight into his plans for retirement.

Set to turn 37 later this month, and with every major piece of silverware available to him having been secured, murmurs surrounding Messi’s plans for the future have of course long begun to mount.

His decision to make the move to MLS with Inter Miami was viewed as the beginning of the end by many, who have begun preparing themselves for life without arguably the game’s greatest-ever player.

Messi remains fully committed to the cause with Argentina, set to lead his country’s defence of their Copa América crown over the weeks ahead.

But, beyond as much, it has remained largely unclear just what the plans of the eight-time Ballon d’Or winner entail.

Safe to say, then, that fans across the globe will no doubt be interested to hear that Messi, on Wednesday, provided a significant update on his future.

Drawn on the topic during an interview with ESPN Argentina, the veteran attacker admitted that, as of this moment, his career will come to a close on the books of Inter Miami:

“As it stands, Inter Miami will be my last club.”

Conor Laird | GSFN

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