Barcelona bracing for imminent Mika Faye bids

The powers that be at La Liga giants Barcelona predict an imminent series of bids for defensive talent Mika Faye.

That’s according to Mundo Deportivo, who have today provided a fresh insight into the situation.

Defender Faye for his part enjoyed something of a breakout campaign in Catalunya’s capital in 2023/24.

After quickly establishing himself as an undisputed starter at the heart of Rafa Márquez’s Barca Atlètic backline following his summer arrival, a series of call-ups to the first-team setup followed.

The 19-year-old has since gone on to make his bow for the Senegalese national team, too.

And yet, despite being widely considered as a potential star in the making, Faye’s future beyond the summer remains altogether unclear.

The youngster is vying for a place in an area which is already considered as somewhat overcrowded in Barcelona’s squad, at centre-half.

Owing to as much, Deco and co. are ready to listen to offers, with MD confirming that, after previously rejecting a substantial bid for Faye by way of Ligue 1 outfit Lens, ‘they will not let a second chance escape given the overbooking that exists in his position in the first team’.

New head coach Hansi Flick will have a say in the matter, but with the Blaugrana having already been contacted by a number of clubs, a ‘good offer’ landing on the Camp Nou desks is considered as inevitable.

Faye, as a result, can be considered as closer to moving on than staying put this summer.

Conor Laird | GSFN

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